
Seven reasons why students and teachers should use Microsoft 365

Teaching and learning involve the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to his or her student and vice versa. However, this will not be possible if the environment is not favorable for both. With the current changes in the education context largely due to health protocols and social distancing rules, setting up a conducive environment for teaching and learning can be a daunting challenge.

With Microsoft 365 however, technology serves to bridge this gap by providing an innovative alternative to the classroom environment where teaching and learning can be equally productive, meaningful, and fun.

Here are seven more reasons why students and teachers should use Microsoft 365:

1. Mobility and accessibility

With an internet connection and with your files saved in the cloud, you can easily access your files from any location and on any device. This can be helpful for students and teachers alike, as you can accomplish tasks and assessments anywhere, anytime. This also saves you time which you can spend for other activities.

2. Real-time collaboration

Microsoft 365 offers collaborative features and apps which make teamwork and collaboration efficient. OneNote for example, allows students and teachers to present and discuss ideas, and teachers can customize lesson plans in their digital notebook. There are also many other collaborative tools available depending on your plan which will allow you to work on group tasks real-time or at different times of the day, whichever works for you and your team.

3. More storage

You will never run out of storage space that easily as all your digital files and folders can be saved on the cloud, which can be conveniently accessed at any time and on any device and location. Your cloud files and folders can also be shared to your peers.

4. Use the tools you already know how to use

Microsoft 365 comes with your traditional Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Publisher) which you may have grown accustomed to over the years. The key difference of Office 365 from the old versions is that the former is accessible on the cloud which provides for more convenient access – perfect for our current learning environment.

5. Advanced privacy and security features

If you’re a Windows and Office 365 user at the same time, you can count on having end-to-end privacy and security. You will have no trouble sleeping as you know that your files and projects are safely stored on the cloud and these are protected from unauthorized access.

6. Create your own

Office 365 has OneNote, an app which encourages creativity as you can easily draft your own ePortfolio and fill it with content in the form of text, audio, video, and even your signature handwriting.

7. Communication made easy

With technology that aids the individual, Microsoft 365 has free tools that support and improve reading and writing especially for learners, regardless of their age, ability or educational level. Aside from this, you can also communicate instantly thru the messaging and video conferencing features available on your plan and to utilize it to connect and foster exchanges between and among students and teachers and vice versa.

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